UAC Module

Ramona-Elena Modroiu

Daniel-Constantin Mierla

Edited by

Ramona-Elena Modroiu

Table of Contents

1. Admin Guide
1. Overview
2. Dependencies
2.1. Kamailio Modules
2.2. External Libraries or Applications
3. Parameters
3.1. rr_from_store_param (string)
3.2. rr_to_store_param (string)
3.3. restore_mode (string)
3.4. restore_dlg (int)
3.5. restore_passwd (string)
3.6. restore_from_avp (string)
3.7. restore_to_avp (string)
3.8. credential (string)
3.9. auth_realm_avp (string)
3.10. auth_username_avp (string)
3.11. auth_password_avp (string)
3.12. reg_db_url (string)
3.13. reg_timer_interval (string)
3.14. reg_retry_interval (int)
3.15. reg_db_table (string)
3.16. reg_contact_addr (string)
4. Functions
4.1. uac_replace_from(display,uri)
4.2. uac_replace_from(uri)
4.3. uac_restore_from()
4.4. uac_replace_to(display,uri)
4.5. uac_replace_to(uri)
4.6. uac_restore_to()
4.7. uac_auth()
4.8. uac_req_send()
4.9. uac_reg_lookup(uuid, dst)
4.10. uac_reg_request_to(user, mode)
5. Pseudo Variables
6. Event Routes
6.1. event_route[uac:reply]
7. Counters
8. RPC Commands
8.1. uac.reg_dump
8.2. uac.reg_info
8.3. uac.reg_enable
8.4. uac.reg_disable
8.5. uac.reg_reload
8.6. uac.reg_refresh
9. Remote Registration

List of Examples

1.1. Set rr_from_store_param parameter
1.2. Set rr_to_store_param parameter
1.3. Set restore_mode parameter
1.4. Set restore_dlg parameter
1.5. Set restore_passwd parameter
1.6. Set restore_from_avp parameter
1.7. Set restore_to_avp parameter
1.8. Set credential parameter
1.9. Set auth_realm_avp parameter
1.10. Set auth_username_avp parameter
1.11. Set auth_password_avp parameter
1.12. Set reg_db_url parameter
1.13. Set reg_timer_inteval parameter
1.14. Set reg_retry_interval parameter
1.15. Set reg_db_table parameter
1.16. Set reg_contact_addr parameter
1.17. uac_replace_from usage
1.18. uac_replace_from usage
1.19. uac_restore_from usage
1.20. uac_replace_to usage
1.21. uac_replace_to usage
1.22. uac_restore_to usage
1.23. uac_auth usage
1.24. uac_req_send usage
1.25. uac_reg_lookup usage
1.26. uac_reg_request_to usage
1.27. event_route[uac:reply] usage
1.28. uac.reg_dump usage
1.29. uac.reg_info usage
1.30. uac.reg_enable usage
1.31. uac.reg_disable usage
1.32. uac.reg_reload usage
1.33. uac.reg_refresh usage
1.34. lookup remote registrations usage

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

1. Overview

The UAC (User Agent Client) module provides some basic UAC functionalities like sending SIP requests, registering with a remote service, From: header manipulation (anonymization) and client authentication.

The UAC module also supports sending a SIP request from the configuration file. See variable $uac_req(name) and the function uac_req_send().

In addition, the module supports database-driven SIP registration functionality. See the uac_reg_lookup() function and dedicated section for remote registration configuration.

Known limitations in this version:

  • Authentication does not support qop auth-int, just qop auth;

  • CSeq is not increased automatically by uac_auth() during authentication - the follow up request may be rejected. CSeq can be increased when authenticating INVITE requests - dialog module has to be used, with CSeq tracking feature enabled (see the readme of dialog module).

  • The uac_replace_* functions can only be run once on the same SIP request. Try to save needed changes in a pseudovariable and apply them once.

2. Dependencies

2.1. Kamailio Modules

The following modules must be loaded before this module:

  • TM - Transaction Module

  • RR - Record-Route Module, but only if restore mode for From: URI is set to auto.

  • Dialog Module, but only if restore mode for From: URI is set to auto and you want uac_replace_from or uac_replace_to to store the values of the URIs as dialog variables.

2.2. External Libraries or Applications

The following libraries or applications must be installed before running Kamailio with this module loaded:

  • None

3. Parameters

3.1. rr_from_store_param (string)

Name of Record-Route header parameter that will be used to store an encoded version of the original FROM URI.

This parameter is optional, it's default value being vsf.

Example 1.1. Set rr_from_store_param parameter


3.2. rr_to_store_param (string)

Name of Record-Route header parameter that will be used to store (encoded) the original TO URI.

This parameter is optional, it's default value being vst.

Example 1.2. Set rr_to_store_param parameter


3.3. restore_mode (string)

There are 3 modes of restoring the original FROM URI and the original TO URI:

  • none - no information about original URI is stored; restoration is not possible.

  • manual - all following replies will be restored, but not also the sequential requests - this must be manually updated based on original URI.

  • auto - all sequential requests and replies will be automatically updated based on stored original URI. For this option you have to set modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 1).

This parameter is optional, it's default value being auto.

Example 1.3. Set restore_mode parameter


3.4. restore_dlg (int)

If set to 1, the module uses dialog variables to store initial and new values for From/To headers. The Dialog module has to be loaded and all calls that involve changes to From/To headers must be tracked.

Default value of this parameter is 0.

Example 1.4. Set restore_dlg parameter

modparam("uac", "restore_dlg", 1)

3.5. restore_passwd (string)

String password to be used to encrypt the RR storing parameters. If empty, no encryption will be used.

Default value of this parameter is empty.

Example 1.5. Set restore_passwd parameter


3.6. restore_from_avp (string)

If defined and restore_mode is manual or auto, the avp is used to save the original from uri in order to be able to restore it in replies. That makes sense, if the original-uri can not be extracted from the original request, e.g. if msg_apply_changes() was used after calling uac_replace_from() or uac_replace_to().

If you create a dialog ( with dlg_manage() ) before calling uac_replace_from(), this avp will not be needed. The values of the uris will be stored as dialog variables.

Default value of this parameter is empty.

Example 1.6. Set restore_from_avp parameter


3.7. restore_to_avp (string)

If defined and restore_mode is manual or auto, the avp is used to save the original To URI in order to be able to restore it in replies. That makes sense if the original-uri can not be extracted from the original request, e.g. if msg_apply_changes() was used after calling uac_replace_to()

If you create a dialog ( with dlg_manage() ) before calling or uac_replace_to(), this avp will not be needed. The values of the uris will be stored as dialog variables.

Default value of this parameter is empty.

Example 1.7. Set restore_to_avp parameter


3.8. credential (string)

Contains a multiple definition of credentials used to perform authentication.

This parameter is required if UAC authentication is used.

Example 1.8. Set credential parameter


3.9. auth_realm_avp (string)

The definition of an PV that might contain the realm to be used to perform authentication.

When the PV value is an empty string or NULL when uac_auth() is called, the realm is taken from the reply and only username matching is done. This can be used if the realm upstream will be using is not known in advance.

If you define it, you also need to define auth_username_avp (Section 3.10, “auth_username_avp (string)”) and auth_username_avp (Section 3.11, “auth_password_avp (string)”).

Example 1.9. Set auth_realm_avp parameter


3.10. auth_username_avp (string)

The definition of an AVP that might contain the username to be used to perform authentication.

If you define it, you also need to define auth_realm_avp (Section 3.9, “auth_realm_avp (string)”) and auth_username_avp (Section 3.11, “auth_password_avp (string)”).

Example 1.10. Set auth_username_avp parameter


3.11. auth_password_avp (string)

The definition of an AVP that might contain the password to be used to perform authentication.

If you define it, you also need to define auth_password_avp (Section 3.11, “auth_password_avp (string)”) and auth_username_avp (Section 3.11, “auth_password_avp (string)”).

Example 1.11. Set auth_password_avp parameter


3.12. reg_db_url (string)

DB URL to fetch account profiles for registration.

Example 1.12. Set reg_db_url parameter

modparam("uac", "reg_db_url",

3.13. reg_timer_interval (string)

Timer interval (in seconds) at which registrations are managed, e.g. renewed as needed.

The default value is 90 seconds.

Example 1.13. Set reg_timer_inteval parameter

modparam("uac", "reg_timer_interval", 60)

3.14. reg_retry_interval (int)

Failed registration attempts will be retried after this interval (in seconds). The interval is not exact, retries may be attempted as much as reg_timer_interval secs earlier. If set to 0, failed registrations will be disabled permanently.

The default value is 0 sec (disabled)

Example 1.14. Set reg_retry_interval parameter

modparam("uac", "reg_retry_interval", 300)

3.15. reg_db_table (string)

DB table name to fetch user profiles for registration.

This parameter is optional, it's default value being uacreg.

Example 1.15. Set reg_db_table parameter

modparam("uac", "reg_db_table", "uacreg")

3.16. reg_contact_addr (string)

Address to be used to build contact address. Must be at least host part, can have port and parameters. Must not include 'sip:'. The username part of the Contact: URI will be the L_UUID field in the database.

Example 1.16. Set reg_contact_addr parameter

modparam("uac", "reg_contact_addr", "")

4. Functions

4.1.  uac_replace_from(display,uri)

Replace in FROM header the display name and the URI part.

display and URI parameters can include pseudo-variables.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and from BRANCH_ROUTE.

NOTE: Previous versions of this function added double quotes automatically to display variable. That is no longer the case, if you expect that behavior, you will have to add the quotes by yourself.

If you set restore_mode to AUTO, the URI will be modified automatically in all subsequent requests and replies in that dialog.

There are two ways in which the AUTO mode can be achieved.

One uses the rr module and appends to the Record-Route header a parameter containing some strings from which the original and new URI can be computed. The problem with this mode is that it relies on the fact the parties will send the Route exactly as it was received. In case there is a change, the resulting URIs will not be correct.

The other one uses the dialog module to store the original and new URI. If you already use dialog module in your configuration, this is the advisable mode. All you need to do to use this is to call dlg_manage() before calling uac_replace_from(). It works by storing the URIs as dialog variables and registering callbacks in dialog module for in dialog requests.

Example 1.17. uac_replace_from usage

# replace both display and uri
# replace only display and do not touch uri
uac_replace_from("batman","");   # display is replaced with: batman
uac_replace_from("\"batman\"","");  # display is replaced with: "batman"
# remove display and replace uri
# remove display and do not touch uri

4.2.  uac_replace_from(uri)

Replace in FROM header the URI part without altering the display name.

URI parameter can include pseudo-variables.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and from BRANCH_ROUTE.

Example 1.18. uac_replace_from usage


4.3.  uac_restore_from()

This function will check if the FROM URI was modified and will use the information stored in header parameter to restore the original FROM URI value.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.

Example 1.19. uac_restore_from usage


4.4.  uac_replace_to(display,uri)

Replace in TO header the display name and the URI part.

display and URI parameters can include pseudo-variables.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and from BRANCH_ROUTE.

NOTE: Previous versions of this function added double quotes automatically to display variable. That is no longer the case, if you expect that behavior, you will have to add the quotes by yourself.

Example 1.20. uac_replace_to usage

# replace both display and uri
# replace only display and do not touch uri
uac_replace_to("batman","");   # display is replaced with: batman
uac_replace_to("\"batman\"","");  # display is replaced with: "batman"
# remove display and replace uri
# remove display and do not touch uri

4.5.  uac_replace_to(uri)

Replace in TO header the URI part without altering the display name.

URI parameter can include pseudo-variables.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and from BRANCH_ROUTE.

If you set restore_mode to AUTO, the URI will be modified automatically in all subsequent requests and replies in that dialog.

There are two ways in which the AUTO mode can be achieved.

One uses the rr module and appends to the Record-Route header a parameter containing some strings from which the original and new URI can be computed. The problem with this mode is that it relies on the fact the parties will send the Route exactly as it was received. In case there is a change, the resulting URIs will not be correct.

The other one uses the dialog module to store the original and new URI. If you already use dialog module in your configuration, this is the advisable mode. All you need to do to use this is to call dlg_manage() before calling uac_replace_to(). It works by storing the URIs as dialog variables and registering callbacks in dialog module for in dialog requests.

Example 1.21. uac_replace_to usage


4.6.  uac_restore_to()

This function will check if the TO URI was modified and will use the information stored in header parameter to restore the original TO URI value.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.

Example 1.22. uac_restore_to usage


4.7.  uac_auth()

This function can be called only from failure route and will build the authentication response header and insert it into the request without sending anything.

This function can be used from FAILURE_ROUTE.

Example 1.23. uac_auth usage


request_route {
   if(is_method("INVITE")) {

failure_route[TRUNKAUTH] {

    if (t_is_canceled()) {
    if(t_check_status("401|407")) {
        $avp(auser) = "test";
        $avp(apass) = "test";

4.8.  uac_req_send()

This function sends a SIP message from the configuration file. The message is built out of $uac_req(...) pseudo-variable.


Example 1.24. uac_req_send usage


4.9.  uac_reg_lookup(uuid, dst)

This function sets the PV dst to SIP URI that correspond to uuid in uac registations table. uuid and dst must be pseudo-variables.

This function can be used from ANY_ROUTE.

Example 1.25. uac_reg_lookup usage


if(uac_reg_lookup("$rU", "$ru"))

4.10.  uac_reg_request_to(user, mode)

This function can be used to send an authenticated request to a remote user in the uac registrations table. It sets the request-uri, dst-uri and auth_*_avp pv's to the values that correspond to the supplied user.

The mode indicates whether the user should match the local uuid (mode=0), or the username (mode=1).

The auth_*_avp module parameters must be set to valid pv's.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, FAILURE_ROUTE, BRANCH_ROUTE.

Example 1.26. uac_reg_request_to usage


if(uac_reg_request_to("$fU", 0))
	xlog("L_NOTICE", "Found remote user [$rU] on [$rd] via [$du]");

failure_route[REMOTE_AUTH] {
	if ($T_reply_code == 401 or $T_reply_code == 407) {
		xlog("L_NOTICE", "Remote asked for authentication");

5. Pseudo Variables

  • $uac_req(key)

Exported pseudo-variables are documented at

6. Event Routes

6.1.  event_route[uac:reply]

Event route executed for the final reply to the request set with uac_req_send(). The associated $uac_req(evroute) has to be set to 1.

Example 1.27. event_route[uac:reply] usage

event_route[uac:reply] {
    xlog("received reply code is: $uac_req(evcode)\n");

7. Counters

  • regtotal: Total number of registrations

  • regactive: Total number of active registrations (successfully registred with service)

  • regdisabled: Total number of disabled registrations (no longer active)

8. RPC Commands

8.1.  uac.reg_dump

Dump the content of remote registration table from memory.

Example 1.28. uac.reg_dump usage

   kamcmd uac.reg_dump

8.2.  uac.reg_info

Return the details of a remote registration record based on a filter. The command has two parameter: attribute and value. The attribute can be: l_uuid, l_username, r_username or auth_username. The value is what should be matcheg against the value of the attribute in the remote registration record.

Example 1.29. uac.reg_info usage

   kamcmd uac.reg_info l_uuid account123

8.3.  uac.reg_enable

Enable a remote registration record based on a filter. The command has two parameter: attribute and value. The attribute can be: l_uuid, l_username, r_username or auth_username. The value is what should be matcheg against the value of the attribute in the remote registration record.

Example 1.30. uac.reg_enable usage

   kamcmd uac.reg_enable l_uuid account123

8.4.  uac.reg_disable

Disable a remote registration record based on a filter. The command has two parameter: attribute and value. The attribute can be: l_uuid, l_username, r_username or auth_username. The value is what should be matcheg against the value of the attribute in the remote registration record.

Example 1.31. uac.reg_disable usage

   kamcmd uac.reg_disable l_uuid account123

8.5.  uac.reg_reload

Reload the records from database for remote registrations.

Example 1.32. uac.reg_reload usage

   kamcmd uac.reg_reload

8.6.  uac.reg_refresh

Load one record by l_uuid from database for remote registrations. If the record exists in memory, its authentication password is updated, otherwise a new record is added. The command has a parameter, which is the value of l_uuid field.

Example 1.33. uac.reg_refresh usage

   kamcmd uac.reg_refresh account123

9. Remote Registration

The module can register contact addresses to remote REGISTRAR servers. You have to add records to uacreg table. The table stores following attributes:

  • l_uuid - local unique user id, e.g.,: 12345678

  • l_username - local user name, e.g.,: test

  • l_domain - local domain, e.g.,:

  • r_username - remote username, e.g.,: test123

  • r_domain - remote domain, e.g.,:

  • realm - remote relam, e.g.,:

  • auth_username - authentication username, e.g.,: test123

  • auth_password - authentication password, e.g.,: xxxxxx

  • auth_proxy - SIP address of authentication proxy, e.g.,:

  • expires - expiration time for registration, in seconds, e.g.,: 360

The module takes care of sending REGISTER and refresh registrations before they expire.

When calls come in, you have to run uac_reg_lookup() that will detect if the call is coming from a remote SIP provider and can change the R-URI to local username@domain. Afterwards you can run location lookup.

Example 1.34. lookup remote registrations usage

    if(uac_reg_lookup("$rU", "$ru")) {
        xlog("request from a remote SIP provider [$ou => $ru]\n");